Retrieve Workspace API keys

Follow these instruction in Hex to generate a read only workspace API token. Make sure to copy the token to your clipboard.

Insert credentials into Metaplane

On the connections page, click on the Hex icon under Business Intelligence.

Follow the instructions in app to provide your newly created workspace API token, workspaceId, and optionally your Hex single-tenant Id.

What to expect

Once your Hex account is successfully connected, Metaplane will sync and automatically derive lineage from warehouse tables/columns to Hex projects. You will be able to see your Hex lineage on your monitor pages and in your slack alerts. Metaplane will also create metrics to track views over time for each project.

Lineage is powered via Hex query comments seen over the last 21 days. If your projects SQL cell hasn't run in the past 21 days, we may not be able to derive lineage.